Introducing the Spark

LNG Freight Platform

LNG freight pricing is a critical part of LNG trading. Historically, it has been hard to assess, difficult to evaluate and labour intensive to analyse.

Now it is not.

Supported by leading LNG market participants, exchanges and brokers. Designed for simplicity, built for progress.

LNG Freight Spot Prices
*Delayed prices; the latest prices are available to verified platform users.
Discover price and unlock insights
Spot, FFA and Physical Forward Curve assessments
Market led assessments from relevant, eligible submitters
Intuitive analytical tools and charts designed to provide greater insights
Connect via the Spark API, Webhooks, Excel Add-in, Power BI or select third party vendors to automate data flows and improve efficiency
LNG Freight Price Evolution Chart
LNG Freight Routes Chart
Daily $/MMBtu forward curves across global LNG shipping routes
Breakdown of cost components
Floating Storage
Monthly forward floating storage economics for NWE and NEA
Provides a signal for when the structure of LNG freight and DES LNG forward curves are open for floating storage
Understand the breakeven level of freight, NWE DES LNG timespread or TTF timespread to zero the floating signal
Floating Storage Chart